You Keep Avoiding Feeling Because You Don’t Have The Resources To Be With The Underlying Emotions
It takes practice to allow the emotions to come to the surface, especially if you have learned to shut them down, numb out or just ignore them. If you find yourself always feeling the same emotion or not even knowing what you are feeling, theres a big change that you’re not accessing your whole emotional range.
How to trust your inner guidance?
There is so much noise around us. What you should do or how you should be, how you should act or react. Sometimes the external noise can get too loud and unconsciously start affecting our actions. Little by little you may start listening more to the outside guidance and making choices according to the external expectations.
Listening To Your Body Requires Trusting Your Body
I am sure you too have had that experience more than once when you feel something is not right and you still choose to go with it - only to find out later on that you indeed were right about it and it wasn’t the right option for you.
3 Easy Ways to Practice Listening to Your Body Every Single Day
Many people have said to me that when it comes to listening to the body and connecting with it, they just don’t know where to start so I thought I will share these 3 simple ways with you.
Why would you connect with your body?
There are always 2 ways to look at things. One comes from the aspect of your mind as thoughts and beliefs & the other one comes from the aspect of your body as sensations and feelings.